
Saturday 14 November 2020

4:00pm - 7:00pm

Amphi de Morphologie

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris

Cercle Chromatique - Béatrice Duport and Stéphane Pichard

New "Cercle s'Ouvre" carried by Stéphane Pichard, a former student of Beaux-Arts de Paris, with the artist Béatrice Duport. They will perform the conversation in images that they have been maintaining since 2012.


Performance followed by a round table moderated by Magali Nachtergael,an art critic and curator of exhibitions, including « Cartes postales, nouvelles d’un monde rêvé » in Arles in 2019.



Photo credit: Béatrice Duport and Stéphane Pichard