The prevention unit - Beaux-Arts de Paris

As part of its policy on equality women/ men and promotion of diversity, Beaux-Arts de Paris engage in a proactive mechanism of prevention and treatment countering sexual harassment, psychological harassment and discrimination.

Thus, the school has set up a monitoring unit whose creation and missions have been approved by the different organizations: pedagogic council, hygiene committee and boards of directors.

The Monitoring Unit is attentive to any person having an activity at Beaux-Arts de Paris (staff, professors or students).

It is not a disciplinary proceeding, but a place to listen and to inform. The objective is to listen to you, with sensitivity and professionalism, without judgment in complete confidentiality.

The members of the monitoring unit can advise and support you in any proceedings.

Only the members of the Monitoring Unit, listed below, are authorized to consult messages sent to the above address.

Email :

 The Monitoring Unit is made up of:

• 4students

• 2 teaching staff 

• 4 administrative staff

and the Equality, Diversity and Anti-Discrimination Officer: Audrey Mot

Download the Cellule de veille flyer (FR)

Equality between women and men

Indicators to accelerate economic and professional equality, known as the “Rixain Law” for the 2024-2025 school year.

1. Percentage of female applicants for admission to state-recognized higher education programs
For the 2024 entrance exam for the 2024-2025 school year, out of 1,705 candidates in 1st year, the proportion of women was 71.79%, or 1,224 candidates.

2. Share of women enrolled in courses leading to a state-recognized higher education diploma
Of the 263 students enrolled in the 1st cycle, the proportion of women was 59.31%, or 156 students; of the 248 students enrolled in the 2nd cycle, the proportion of women was 58.47%, or 145 students.

3. Percentage of women and men among students receiving social grants
Of the 74 students receiving 1st cycle grants - 32.43% men, 67.57% women. 
Of the 65 2nd cycle scholarship students - 49.23% men, 50.77% women 

4. Share of women among graduates of state-recognized training courses
Of the 115 1st cycle (BAC+3) graduates in 2023-2024, 61.74% were women.
Of the 121 students graduating from DNSAP (BAC+5) in 2023-2024, 54.54% were women.

5. Share of female doctoral students enrolled for the first time
For the 2024-2025 academic year, women represent 100% of new enrolments in the School's doctoral program (1 enrolment).

6. Percentage of women and men among doctoral students enrolled in the first year of doctoral studies and having obtained funding for their thesis
For the 2024-2025 academic year, women represent 100% of new enrolments having obtained funding for their thesis in the School's doctoral program (1 enrolment).

7. Percentage of female doctoral students by discipline: exact sciences and applications, life sciences, humanities and social sciences
Not concerned in 2023-2024

8. Percentage of women in sports and student association management, including board members and presidents
The School's 5 student associations (Radio BAL, Papiers St Germain, BDE, Récupérathèque and St Germain des prints) are chaired by women.

9. Percentage of women employed one year after obtaining a state-approved higher education diploma
Data not available

10. Average salary for women and men twenty-four months after obtaining a state-approved higher education diploma
Data not available

Professional Equality Index 2023

In accordance with law no. 2023-623 of 19 July 2023 aimed at strengthening women's access to responsibilities in the civil service as regards State administrations and its public establishments, the École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts is publishing its data relating to professional equality in the civil service, in order to increase transparency on indicators relating to pay gaps between women and men and to encourage action in favour of equality.
The Beaux-Arts de Paris has been awarded an overall score of 78/100 on the professional equality index for the civil service for 2023.

The indicators in this report are as follows:
70/80 concerning equal pay for contract staff
8/20 concerning the ten highest salaries
This index will be published each year in accordance with the provisions of Decree no. 2023-1136 of 5 December 2023 on the measurement and reduction of pay gaps between women and men in the civil service.

Charter of equality

A charter for equality between women and men was adopted by the Board of Directors of the Beaux-Arts de Paris on 12 July 2018. This approach is part of the action taken by the Ministry of Culture, which has asked the art education establishments to take up these issues.

Download the gender equality charter (FR)