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Why support the Beaux-Arts de Paris?

If you are reading this text, it is because you are convinced of the essential role that culture must play in our lives and that you believe that Paris deserves to have the best school in Europe. The knowledge that you develop, your issues of solidarity or image, your concern for future generations, rhyme with the responsibility that we have to develop a school that has the assets to become, or become again, a world reference.

The projects developed are accessible to all, whether you are a company, a foundation, a donor or an individual, who wishes to support an institution that is known for generating artists and innovators, free and original minds.

The projects developed concern:

  • The creation of teachings that reflect the major challenges facing society.
  • International mobility and professional integration of students,
  • Exhibitions associating heritage and creation.
  • Access for the most disadvantaged to excellence in education
  • The enrichment and dissemination of the fabulous collection of the Beaux-Arts de Paris.
  • The support of precarious students
  • Restoration and development of the historical monument

Discover our projects

Become a patron or partner of Beaux-Arts de Paris

For several years now, the Beaux-Arts de Paris has been forging strong, lasting links with a number of partners. The projects developed are open to any company or foundation. Support can be in cash, in kind or in skills.

Tax benefits

A company's sponsorship payment is eligible for a tax reduction.
Example: amount of sponsorship €100,000
Tax deduction 60% * €60,000

* up to 0.5% of turnover (reduced to 40% if donations made by the company exceed €2 million/year).

Other advantages

You will become part of the circle of Beaux-Arts de Paris partners, receiving our news and invitations to previews and events.

Visibility: your company is associated with the Beaux-Arts de Paris communication media, with links to the website, the study booklet, publications and in situ.

You benefit from privileged access to Beaux-Arts de Paris: to organise your public relations operations or tailor-made private visits to the School or its exhibitions.

We are also open to projects that you would like to develop with our young artists, such as prizes, bursaries, residencies or commissioned works, and we are ready to work with you to design the projects that are right for you and give full meaning to the word partnership.