Two bodies oversee the School's activities and operations. Three student representatives sit on these bodies, along with their alternates. All may take part in the debates, but only the full representatives may vote.

These two bodies are an opportunity for students to make their voices and proposals heard, either at meetings or beforehand, by adding to the agenda an item on which they wish to express their views or obtain clarification.



Elections take place in the first term of each calendar year. Every student enrolled in the 1st, 2nd or 3rd cycle is registered on the electoral list and may stand as a candidate. Students are elected by list. Seats are distributed between competing lists in proportion to the number of votes. Lists are made up of 6 names, with no obligation to determine the order of election.


Teaching Council

The Teaching Council is consulted and deliberates on issues affecting teaching, pedagogy and the organisation of the school year. It is chaired by the Director and comprises two members of the administration appointed by the latter, fifteen teacher representatives elected for a renewable two-year term and three student representatives elected for a renewable one-year term.


Board of Governors

The Board of Governors is consulted and deliberates on the school's plans and annual report, and on issues relating to the life of the school, its organisation, its educational offering and its internal regulations. It is also responsible for approving the budget, any amendments to it and the financial accounts. The Board of Directors is convened by its Chair at least twice a year.
It is made up of four representatives of the Ministry of Culture, the Director of the Musée national d'art moderne of the Centre national d'art et de culture Georges Pompidou or his or her representative, seven personalities appointed for their expertise by the Minister of Culture, elected representatives of the staff and students (six elected representatives of the teaching staff; three elected representatives of the administrative, technical, supervisory and service staff; three elected representatives of the students).
Teachers' and administrative, technical, supervisory and service staff representatives on the Board of Directors are elected for a renewable three-year term.
Student representatives are elected for a renewable one-year term.


Research Council

The Research Council, which the Academic Board voted to set up on 15 June 2023, is consulted and deliberates on issues relating to the structuring and development of research in all its diversity.
The Research Council identifies areas of research shared by the teaching and scientific teams, lists and certifies research activities and sets up scientific or financial partnerships to carry out projects.
The Council will be chaired by the Director and a representative of the Research Department. It will be made up of elected members (one-third of whom will be eligible for re-election every 2 years) and will reflect the diversity of those involved in research at the École: theoretical teachers, studio heads or technical teachers, students, doctoral candidates, curators, representatives of the publishing house, library and exhibitions.
It meets 3 times a year.


Enrolment Committee

Students who do not meet the conditions for promotion to the next year, who wish to resume their studies after dropping out for more than two years, or who request a derogation from the enrolment conditions set out in the regulations, etc., have their request examined by a committee. The committee may decide to exclude a student for academic failure.
The committee is made up of the Director or his/her representative, the Head of the Registrar's Office or his/her deputy, three teachers and a student representative on the Board of Governors or the Executive Committee. It meets once or twice a year.


Disciplinary board

A disciplinary committee may be convened against a student, at the Director's request.
The Disciplinary Committee is made up of the Director or her representative, who chairs the meeting, the Director of Studies or his or her representative, a representative of the administration appointed by the Director, two professors chosen by lot from among the full professor representatives on the Board of Governors and the Executive Committee, and two student representatives chosen by lot from among the student representatives on the Board of Governors and the Executive Committee.
Penalties include reprimands, temporary exclusion, permanent exclusion, the obligation to repair damage, the obligation to replace equipment in the case of theft or measures to encourage students to take part in cultural or solidarity activities within the school.