In 2022, the School has increased its commitment to sustainable development.
Sustainable Development Working Group
The Director has appointed a referent to coordinate the reflection and implementation of a set of actions aimed at reducing the school's ecological footprint. Around him, a permanent working group - made up of ten or so volunteers representing all the departments of the establishment - met every month to discuss, propose and evaluate actions as they were taken and to draw up a programme. This working group initially focused its efforts on waste. The establishment evacuates an average of three skips per week, i.e. 90 m³ per week. The objective for 2022 was to set up an initial sorting of the various materials into paper and cardboard on the one hand and the rest of the waste on the other. Eventually, a more thorough sorting will be put in place, identifying recoverable materials (plastics, wood, glass etc.).
The recycling library
Another initiative was launched in 2022: the recuperation library, a place run by a student association that allows everyone to store materials on the condition that others are removed. The initial results show that there has been an effort to recover materials and that efforts to reuse them should be continued. The School has joined La Réserve des Arts, a non-profit association that collects and recycles waste from the cultural sector. Once in their warehouse, the materials are recovered, cleaned, de-identified, and find a second life with the 10,000 members, 50% of whom are students. Membership of the LRDA allows students, teachers and staff of the Beaux-Arts de Paris to become members for a symbolic €1 and thus access to the purchase of their materials at solidarity prices. At the same time, the Beaux-Arts de Paris has given itself the means to have a sustainable scenography, following reflections that have shown the important volume of waste generated by the exhibitions. In 2022, the scenography of the Palais des Beaux-arts has been designed to serve three exhibitions, from November to July 2023: Pour en finir encore; Gribouillage / Scarabocchio, de Léonard de Vinci à Cy Tombly and Sur le feu, from the "Artists & Exhibition Professions" programme.
La Glaneuse (the recuperation library of the Beaux-Arts de Paris)
Reusable scenography
Initiated in the summer of 2022, a partnership with "Mondes Nouveaux" has made it possible to set up a series of workshops with the artist and designer Olivier Vadrot, to design an adaptable and reusable scenography using sustainable and recyclable materials. This scenography will be used at least for all the 2023/2024 exhibitions.
Replacing polymers
Finally, the technical base dedicated to composite materials has launched an innovative research programme on polymer replacement. Based on a combination of artistic practices in the School's workshops and advanced research in chemistry and engineering, this programme aims to create new, biosourced, recyclable materials with a small ecological footprint for use in artistic practice and even for industrial developments. In partnership with researchers from the Ecole des Mines.
This non-profit association collects and recycles waste from the cultural sector. Once in their warehouse, the materials are recycled, cleaned, de-identified, and find a second life with the 9000 members, 50% of whom are students. Membership of LRDA allows students, teachers and staff of the Beaux-Arts de Paris to become members for a symbolic 1€ and thus access to the purchase of their materials at solidarity prices. Throughout the year, awareness-raising activities will be organised.
The membership is valid at the national level, in the 3 sales points in Pantin, Paris and Marseille!
Download the membership form

Les étudiants de la récupérathèque - La Glaneuse


L'installation de Mondes nouveaux en cour vitrée