Parcoursup procedure 2025/26

Registrations for the 2025/26 entrance exam to the École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris are made directly on the Parcoursup platform and according to the set timetable.

Parcoursup calendar

The Parcoursup calendar will be announced in December 2024.


Applicants who hold or are preparing to hold a French baccalauréat or an equivalent qualification are eligible to apply.
Foreign students are also eligible.
For foreign candidates, a B2 level in French is strongly recommended.

Applicants who do not hold the French baccalauréat or its equivalent may apply for an exemption. To do so, they must send a detailed request by letter to the Director of the School before January 31, 2025.

Entrance exam timetable

Selection takes place in several stages:  

1 - An eligibility stage 
After closing their Parcousup applications, candidates receive an e-mail with their login details for a specific platform. 

The application includes :

  • A letter of intent in PDF format, approximately 2000 characters long. 
  • This letter should make it possible to assess the candidate's desire to enter a National Art School, while describing his or her artistic training project and intention to adhere to the specific workings of the Beaux-Arts de Paris (knowledge of the school's specific features and particularities).  
  • An artistic dossier in PDF format (10 MB maximum) and/or two videos in MP4 format (playback time limited to 2 minutes).  
  • A CV

Eligible applicants will receive an e-mail inviting them to make an appointment for the admission stage on a specific platform. 
Entrance fee: 53 euros payable online only on Parcoursup. 
Please note: exemption from entrance exam fees for scholarship holders and students with refugee status (proof required).
Entrance fees are non-refundable in the event of non-admission, non-admissibility, withdrawal, double application or if the application does not meet the eligibility requirements.

2 - A two-phase, two-day admission stage  

Please note that the admission stage is in person. (You will need to take the various exams on site). 
First phase (one day) on the Beaux-Arts de Paris site

  • Examination of artistic file  
  • The dossier is made up of a selection of your productions (original works or reproductions, as you wish). The file must be presented in a single, easy-to-handle batch, with the following constraints: 
  • maximum grape size (50x65), weight not to exceed 5 kg, easily unpacked and stored. 
  • Productions must be identified (please indicate your name or candidate number on electronic files on USB keys). 
  • Digital productions must be readable on both Mac and PC. 
  • Drawing test 2 hours   
  • Theoretical test: 1 hour  

You will be informed at the end of the day whether you have been selected for the second phase, which will take place the following day. 

Second phase 
Oral interview, maximum 15 minutes

Admission results are announced on the Parcoursup platform.

If you have any questions, please consult the FAQ or send an e-mail to