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Registration and re-registration

First enrolment at the Beaux-arts de Paris

You have been accepted for initial training at the Beaux-arts de Paris:
You must now register administratively. Registration is an annual process and must be completed before the start of the course. It will also enable you to obtain your student card, your institutional email address, your access codes for Taïga and your school certificates.

Administrative registration is carried out electronically.

You will receive an email with your login details and the registration procedure.

  • Pay your CVEC fees

Before your administrative registration for initial training (including apprentices), you must pay the student and campus life contribution (CVEC) to the CROUS by logging on to the CVEC website.  
Once you have paid the CVEC, you will receive an e-mail with your certificate number, which you will need for your administrative registration.
Please note: If you are a scholarship student who has received a definitive or conditional notification, you are exempt from paying the CVEC. However, you will need to log on to the CROUS website to obtain a CVEC attestation number, which will justify your exemption when you register for your course.

  • Documents to be provided
  • Photocopy of your identity document (identity card or passport)
  • Photocopy of your certificate of participation in the Defence and Citizenship Day (students born in France)
  • Completed transfer of student rights form
  • Photocopy of the school insurance certificate for the academic year 2024-2025 (the word "school" or "university" must appear on the document, as well as the year 2024-2025)
  • Certificate of payment of the CVEC
  • Baccalauréat results certificate (transcript) or Baccalauréat diploma (once it has been sent by your education authority)
  • Last diploma obtained (attestation de résultats du Bac ou diplôme du bac, BTS, Licence, Master)
  • Payment of registration fees

Registration fees are paid by credit card.

Exemption from registration fees: students who are in receipt of a higher education grant at the time of registration and who can prove that they are in receipt of a grant from the French government (a photocopy of which must be provided) and students who are refugees on French territory are exempt from registration fees. 
Students who are not in possession of their scholarship award at the time of registration will be required to pay the university fees and, upon receipt of the final scholarship award, request a refund.

  • Downloading registration documents

Once payment has been made in September, you will be able to download your school certificates and proof of payment directly from your Taïga space.

Re-enrolment at the Beaux-arts de Paris

You are authorised to re-register for initial training at the Beaux-arts de Paris:
You must now complete your administrative registration. Registration is an annual process and must be completed before the start of the course.

You can register online in your Taïga space.

  • Pay your CVEC fees

Before your administrative registration for initial training (including apprentices), you must pay the student and campus life contribution (CVEC) to the CROUS by logging on to the CVEC website.  
Once you have paid the CVEC, you will receive an e-mail with your certificate number, which you will need for your administrative registration.
Please note: If you are a scholarship student who has received a definitive or conditional notification, you are exempt from paying the CVEC. However, you will need to log on to the CROUS website to obtain a CVEC attestation number, which will justify your exemption when you register.

  • Documents to be provided
  • Photocopy of your identity document (identity card or passport)
  • Photocopy of the certificate of participation in the Defence and Citizenship Day (students born in France)
  • Completed transfer of student rights form [TT2
  • Photocopy of the school insurance certificate for the academic year 2024-2025 (the word "school" or "university" must appear on the document, as well as the year 2024-2025)
  • Certificate of payment of the CVEC
  • Baccalauréat results certificate (transcript) or Baccalauréat diploma (once it has been sent by your education authority)
  • Last diploma obtained (attestation of Bac results or Bac diploma, BTS, Licence, Master)
  • For scholarship students only: conditional or definitive award of scholarship for the 2024-2025 academic year
  • Payment of enrolment fees

Tuition fees must be paid by credit card.

Exemption conditions: the registration fee is waived for scholarship students who, at the time of registration, can provide proof of a higher education scholarship and, for foreign students, of a French government scholarship (provide a photocopy) and for students who are refugees on French territory. 

Students who are not in possession of their scholarship award at the time of registration will be required to pay the university fees and, upon receipt of the final scholarship award, request a refund.

  • Downloading registration documents

Once payment has been made in September, you will be able to download your school certificates and proof of payment directly from your Taïga space.