The website is published by the École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts, a national public institution of an administrative nature, under the supervision of the Minister of Culture, whose SIRET number is 197 536 675 000 14, having its headquarters at 14 rue Bonaparte 75272 Paris cedex 06 France (tel: +33 (0)

Responsible for the editorial staff

The editorial animation and the updates of the site are ensured by the communication, patronage and partnership department.

Site development and maintenance

Sisso 360
90 rue de la Folie Méricourt 
75011 Paris

Graphic design

Sisso 360


The photos on this site come from different sources, mentioned on a case-by-case basis on the credit of each photo.


École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts (hereinafter referred to as the "Beaux-Arts de Paris") a national public institution of an administrative nature, placed under the supervision of the Minister in charge of culture

whose registered office is located at 14 rue Bonaparte 75272 Paris cedex 06 France
SIRET number: 197 536 675 000 14
tel : +33 (0)

The editorial animation and the updates of the site are ensured by the communication, patronage and partnership department.


Company OVH

whose registered office is located at 2 rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix France
registration number at the RCS of Lille: 424 761 419 00045
tel: +33 (0)9 72 10 10 07


Alexia Fabre, Director of Fine Arts of Paris


The "Website" refers to the "" site.

The "" portal gathers all the information relating to the cultural policies defined by the Beaux-Arts de Paris, the news and the agenda of the school, the functioning and the actions carried out by the Beaux-Arts de Paris and its partners. It makes the richness of the digitized cultural heritage accessible to as many people as possible throughout the country. It is the single point of access to the cultural data and content that the Beaux-Arts de Paris and its partners produce and/or hold.

Any person who accesses the Website, one of the editorial offers or associated services accepts and undertakes to respect, without restriction or reservation, the present general terms of use in force.


The purpose of these General Terms of Use is to define the terms and conditions of access and reuse of the content and data present on the Website.


The General Terms of Use applicable are those whose current version is accessible online on the portal at the following address: and on the date of the user's connection.

The Beaux-Arts de Paris makes every effort to ensure the availability, accuracy and updating of the information published on the Website, the content of which it reserves the right to correct at any time and without notice. However, the Beaux-Arts de Paris cannot guarantee the availability, accuracy, updating or completeness of the information thus made available. Les Beaux-Arts de Paris is not responsible for the use that may be made by the user of the information that he or she may find on the Website.  

The Beaux-Arts de Paris shall not be liable for the content of the Website accessible via hypertext links set up within the Website, these links being proposed to the users of the Website only for pure convenience. The decision to activate the links is therefore exclusively the responsibility of the users.


In accordance with Articles L 321-1 and L322-1 of the French Code of Relations between the Public and the Administration, the informative and programming content of the Website is public information whose reuse is free, provided that it is not altered, that its meaning is not distorted, and that its sources and the date of its last update are mentioned.

No transfer of ownership of public information is made to the benefit of the reuser. The latter benefits from a personal and non-exclusive right to reuse this public information. Any person reusing public information in violation of the above-mentioned requirements is liable to a fine imposed by the Commission d'accès aux documents administratifs.


4.1 General structure of the website

The general structure of the website is the exclusive property of the Beaux-Arts de Paris.

Unless otherwise stated, any element composing the Website (general structure, software, texts, images, animated or not, sounds, know-how...) is the property of the Beaux-Arts de Paris or its partners and is subject to the laws protecting copyright.

4.2 Trademarks

Unless otherwise stated, the corporate names, logos, products and trademarks and any other distinctive sign cited on this Website are the property of the Beaux-Arts de Paris or its partners.

Any total or partial reproduction of these trademarks or logos made from elements of the site without the express authorization of the Beaux-Arts de Paris is therefore strictly prohibited and constitutes an infringement under the intellectual property code.

4.3 Contents

The term "contents" used in this page shall be understood as follows: "contents" means any type of information, work, text, video, sound, animation, photography or image contained in the Website.

The user acknowledges that the Website and its contents are protected by intellectual property law and are the property of the Beaux-Arts de Paris or its partners or are licensed to the Beaux-Arts de Paris.

No license, nor any other right other than the right to consult the Website, is granted to anyone with regard to intellectual property rights. The reproduction of the documents on the Website is authorized exclusively for information purposes for strictly personal and private use. Any reproduction and any use of copies made for other purposes and in another context are expressly prohibited and would constitute an infringement punishable by articles L. 335-2 and following of the intellectual property code.

4.4 Hyperlinks

The Beaux-Arts de Paris Website may provide deep hypertext links pointing to websites published by third parties and references to other websites. These links or references constitute neither an approval nor a validation of their contents. The Publisher of the Beaux-Arts de Paris Website may in no way be held responsible for the content of said sites, and shall not be held liable for any damage or prejudice arising therefrom. The fact of proposing deep hyperlinks to other sites provided to users solely for the sake of convenience does not give rise to any obligation of any kind whatsoever on the part of the Publisher of the Beaux-Arts de Paris Website, which has no means of controlling and monitoring the referenced site as well as its developments and updates.

The Website authorizes the setting up of a hypertext link. The information used must only be used for personal, associative or professional purposes; any use for commercial or advertising purposes is excluded. This authorization does not apply to websites disseminating information of a controversial, pornographic or xenophobic nature or which may, to a greater extent, affect the sensitivity of the greatest number; and to websites that affect the material or moral interests of the Beaux-Arts de Paris and that do not create confusion as to the source of the services and/or content.


In accordance with the modified law of January 6, 1978 called "Informatique et Libertés" and the European regulation 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 called "Règlement Général sur la Protection des Données", you have the right to access, rectify, modify and delete data concerning you. You can also exercise your rights to oppose and limit the processing of your data as well as your right to the portability of information concerning you.

In addition, you also have the right to define guidelines for the storage, deletion and communication of your personal data after your death. 

In order to exercise your rights, you may send a request to the following e-mail address:

In the event of an unsatisfactory response, you may lodge a complaint with the CNIL, the supervisory authority in charge of compliance with the obligations regarding the protection of personal data.

For more information on personal data, the Internet user may consult the site of the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés at the following address:


A cookie is a text file stored by a server in the terminal (computer, telephone, etc.) of a user and associated with a website. It does not allow users to be identified but is used to record information relating to the user's navigation on the Website.

In accordance with the regulations, it is only possible to store cookies on users' devices if they are technically necessary for the operation of the Website. For all other types of cookies, the user must give his/her consent.

The Website uses different types of cookies. These are as follows :


Name of cookie Finality Validity period
bap_consent_technical acceptance or refusal of cookies 12 months
bap_consent_google_analytics acceptance or refusal of cookies 12 months
bap_consent_youtube acceptance or refusal of cookies 12 months
APISID YouTube audience and usage measurement session
SID YouTube audience and usage measurement session
SAPISID YouTube audience and usage measurement session
SSID YouTube audience and usage measurement session
HSID YouTube audience and usage measurement session
LOGIN_INFO YouTube audience and usage measurement 13 months
PREF user preferences 9 months
_VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE user preferences 6 months
YSC YouTube audience and usage measurement session
_ga Google Analytics audience measurement 24 months
_gat_ UA-34236809-2 Google Analytics audience measurement minute
_gat_ UA-34236809-2 Google Analytics audience measurement 1 minute


When visiting the Website for the first time, the user can accept or refuse the use of cookies, except for technical cookies, in a general way or set his choices.

The user's choice of settings is not final and the user may modify them at any time. To manage your choices concerning cookies, the configuration of each browser is different. It is described in the help menu of your browser, which will allow you to know how to modify your wishes regarding cookies. However, you are reminded that deactivating cookies may reduce or prevent access to all or part of the services offered by the Website.

For more information on cookies and their use, the Internet user may consult the file of the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés at the following address:


The information displayed on the Website is given for information purposes only. It may be modified at any time and without notice.

Les Beaux-Arts de Paris cannot be held liable for direct and indirect, foreseeable and unforeseeable damages such as loss of earnings or profits, loss of data, loss of equipment as well as repair, recovery or reproduction costs resulting from the use and/or inability to use the services and contents of the Website.

It is incumbent on the user of the Website to take the necessary precautions to avoid any contamination of the site, or of the sites of the partners to which the Beaux-Arts de Paris refers him/her, in particular by one or more "viruses".

For its part, the Beaux-Arts de Paris disclaims all liability for damages, direct or indirect and whatever the causes, origins, nature or consequences, including any deterioration or virus that could infect the user's computer equipment or any other property.

Despite the care and control of the Website's editorial team, unintentional errors or omissions may remain on the Website. If you wish to send us your remarks or complaints, you may contact the Website's editorial staff at the following address


Particular care has been taken to make the Website accessible to the greatest number of people and more particularly to the visually impaired.

The Website has been developed in accordance with the recommendations of the General Accessibility Guidelines for Administrations (RGAA) and the W3C standards. The Website is compatible with all available browsers. It is accessible to all, except in cases of force majeure.

We are committed to constantly improving the accessibility of our content so that access to the information on the Website does not suffer from any discrimination or inequality. There is still work to be done in this area. We are therefore open to your observations, remarks and suggestions.


The present general conditions of use are entirely subject to French law.

In the event of a claim or dispute concerning the application, interpretation or execution of these general conditions of use, the parties undertake to seek an amicable settlement to the dispute concerned before any legal action or recourse to a mediation procedure.

In the absence of an amicable agreement, the French courts shall have sole jurisdiction.