Its role is to provide information on the future of students, to monitor cohorts and to carry out surveys on career entry, further studies and other subjects related to student life. Its mission is also to develop and lead a network, and to implement actions to promote professional integration for students and graduates.


  • Monitor the career paths of graduates

A "2 years after" survey is also carried out by the School's observatory. By analysing the results, we can gain a better understanding of graduates' career paths and measure the quality of their integration into the workforce. It also enables the School to improve the quality of its courses and to gather feedback and suggestions.
The DEPS - the Ministry of Culture's Department of Studies, Forecasting and Statistics - launches a survey of graduates' professional integration three years after they leave the School.


  • Flash Pro

A fortnightly newsletter is sent out to all students and graduates, containing a wide range of calls for projects to take part in prizes, grants, residencies and job offers, as well as a range of resources to help you build your career plan.


  • Networking

To keep abreast of the latest news about graduates, please contact the communications department to share your artistic activities. Your information will be published in the Beaux-Arts de Paris monthly newsletter and on the Beaux-Arts Facebook. This information is also shared with the Cercle chromatique alumni association. Ultimately, this network will help to develop relations with the professional world, give greater visibility to artists who have graduated from the School and unite all graduates.

Contact :


Promoting professional integration and providing support

As part of the Via Futura professional life support scheme, the observatory coordinates the various initiatives (workshops, meetings, training courses) and helps put people in touch with art professionals.