Be careful!

Pay attention. Pay attention. Be attentive. Attentive. To people, to those who arrive and those who return. To works. To all works, in progress or completed. To the objects that surround us. To buildings. To the trees. To heritage and to what is being invented within its walls. Attentive to all the life that rustles around us. The life we see and hear. Quietly or loudly. The life we don't even know about, the life that is sometimes played out in secret. All the transformations that are taking place in the School along a variety of rhythmic lines, gradually composing a delightful polyphony, all the art forms that are unfolding, all the forms of life that are being experimented with. We need to pay attention to what connects us. That which we share and which makes up our common good. The school and its inhabitants. Human and non-human.


Welcome to the community!

And this community is enriched by new arrivals every year. The 70 new 1st year students: welcome! Welcome to the 35 new students in the study programme! Welcome to the 50 new Via Ferrata students! The 50 international students joining us for a semester: welcome! The new teachers: Romain Bernini, Mireille Blanc, Michel Blazy, Isabelle Cornaro, Valérie Jouve, Laura Karp-Lugo, Eva Nielsen, Bruno Perramant. Welcome back! Those joining us for a year: Anne Bourse, Christophe Chassol, Marion Naccache. Welcome to all of you! Welcome to the students joining the "Artists & Exhibition Professions" programme and those joining the "Fresco & Situated Art" programme! And of course, guests from the cultural programme, the Diagonales and the Chairs. And also those invited to take part in our workshops, our external partners, professionals, friends and patrons: welcome!


Every day, we are all building a school that is changing and changing us. We are diverse and we are becoming. Connected to a thousand histories that are being recomposed. In resonance with a present that is being reconfigured day by day. To achieve this constant attention, we need everyone to play their part, at Saint-Germain, at Saint-Ouen, in the various bodies of the École, in the various student associations and also at the various events that punctuate the school year and are opportunities to share the work in progress, Whether it's during Crush, Open Day, Open Studios, exhibitions at the Palais des Beaux-arts, exhibitions in the Galeries droite and gauche, workshops, study trips and so many other occasions.


Let's be attentive to each other, to all the resources that the School offers to all its students and for which they are responsible along with us, to everything that transforms us as art takes on as many forms as there are ways of approaching it, hijacking it, inventing it and reinventing it.


Long live constant attention!


Alexia Fabre


Jean-Bapstiste de Beauvais
Director of Studies


Download the Livret des études 2022-2023 (FR)