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Les Amis des Beaux-Arts de Paris

Founded in 2007, the Friends of the Beaux-Arts de Paris association, governed by the law of 1901, aims to contribute to the activities and influence of the institution. It supports exhibitions, colloquia, conferences, educational activities, etc., notably by encouraging young artists, sponsoring studio or student projects, following their careers and their professional integration, and contributing to their discovery by the public.

Les Amis des Beaux-Arts de Paris support the work of 3rd and 5th year students by awarding 7 annual prizes: agnès b, Thaddaeus Ropac, Weil, Khalil de Chazournes, Bertrand de Demandolx, des Amis, du Félicité des Félicités. The laureates benefit from an exhibition at the Fabrique d'agnès b. They also award two grants per year to young graduates, and assistance for the production of works.

Jean-Baptiste Lenglet, Florian Fouché, Nøne Futbol Club, Jérémy Demester, Mélanie Feuvrier, Hugo Fortin, Sabrina Vitali, Charles Le Hyaric, Célia Coëtte have been supported, as well as collective projects from the studios of Nathalie Talec, Clément Cogitore and Ann Veronica Janssens and the Théâtre des Expositions.

For information about membership:

The Cabinet des amateurs de dessins des Beaux-Arts de Paris

Created in 2005 and made up of collectors and amateurs of drawings who are particularly involved, the Cabinet des amateurs de dessins association's mission is to enrich the drawing collections of the institution, and to participate in the influence of its activities, through assistance with acquisitions, exhibitions and publications.

The association pursues a dynamic acquisition policy that allows it to diversify and complete its collection of 20,000 drawings, the second largest in France after that of the Louvre Museum. Support is also given to exhibitions and the publications they generate.

Since 2013, the association has awarded the Cabinet des Dessins contemporary drawing prize each year, allowing one or more of the prize-winner's works to be added to the institution's collection: Mathieu Bonardet (2013), Elvire Caillon (2014), Marcella Barcelo (2015), Bianca Argimon (2016), César Bardoux (2017), Lenny Rébéré and Katarzyna Wiesiolek (2018) and Solène Rigou in 2019.

Since 2009, the association has been involved, alongside the Beaux-Arts de Paris, in an educational program of introduction to the history of art through drawing for middle and high school students in the Ile-de-France region who are geographically and socially distant from culture. Within the framework of the "History of Art at School" program, an action has been undertaken in partnership with the National Education and the Créteil and Versailles rectorates, allowing the reception of about 500 young people per year, three times a year. Scientists welcome these young people to make them aware of the technique, history and style of drawing through the centuries. Entirely financed by sponsorship, this programme has been supported since the beginning by the RATP Foundation, the RATP, the Académie des Beaux-Arts and a private sponsor. Many patrons have also collaborated in this expensive program because it is custom-made, but the stakes are high: the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation, the EDF Foundation, the France Télévisions Foundation and the Ile-de-France Region.

For more information about the association: 
Angélique Franck-Niclot 
General Secretary of the Cabinet des Amateurs de Dessins des Beaux-Arts de Paris

Photo : Antoine Mercusot