Visuel page

Entry during the program of study

Results of admissions during the course of studies

List of candidates admitted under consideration for 2024/2025


Procedure 2025/26

Application requirements 

In order to apply, candidates currently studying must have obtained the baccalauréat or an equivalent diploma and have completed two years of higher education in any field, i.e. a minimum of 120 ECTS. 
Candidates must have completed two years of higher education by the date they register for the exams. These two years may have been completed in the same course or in two different courses. 

Exceptional cases:  
Candidates enrolled in a two-year diploma course (BTS, DUT, DEUST, BTMS, BM, DMA) may register for the examination during their studies, provided that they have validated their diploma by 1 September of the current year at the latest. 
Candidates may apply for the year higher than the one in which they are currently enrolled, subject to validation before the start of the 2025-2026 academic year. 
The year of admission will be determined by the jury on the basis of the artistic file. 
The choice of year of study on the Oasis platform is made by the jury on the basis of the candidate's level of study. The jury has full discretion as to the year in which the applicant is assigned. 
Credits will be recognised in the following cases if they have been obtained: 
In France as part of a course of study : 

  • either in a public higher education establishment 
  • Or in a private higher education establishment, provided that this establishment has been recognised by the State (accreditation number to be attached to your application) or that the course of study followed by the applicant in this establishment has resulted in a qualification registered in the National Register of Professional Certifications (RNCP).
  • Or in a Member State of the European Union or the European Economic Area, the Swiss Confederation, Monaco or Andorra. 

Diplomas and credits obtained outside the European Higher Education Area will be checked for comparability with French diplomas and European credits. 
Documents written in a language other than French must be accompanied by an official certified translation into French.
Applicants who do not meet these criteria may include a request for an exemption in their application, provided that they can prove at least 24 months' qualified professional experience. Applications must be sent by post before 31 January 2025.  

For foreign applicants, a B2 level in French is strongly recommended.

Application procedure :

Candidates must pre-register on the Oasis platform. The link will be posted on this page at the beginning of January.
There are two stages to the application process:
1 - Creation and validation of the administrative file.

The application must include the following documents: 

  • An identity document (identity card or passport)
  • A copy of the baccalauréat or equivalent
  • A certificate of successful completion of 2 years of higher education (120 ECTS), or a certificate of enrolment in the 3rd year of a bachelor's degree or a certificate of enrolment in the 2nd year of the 2-year degree courses mentioned above. 
  • For scholarship applicants: final notification of scholarship 2023-2024 

    For applicants who do not meet the application conditions, a CV and a request for exemption (attesting to more than 24 months' professional experience). 

It is not possible to apply for several admission levels at the same time. Similarly, it is not possible to apply during the course of studies or in the 1st year.  
Application fee: 53 euros, payable online only via OASIS
Please note: exemption from entrance exam fees for scholarship holders and students with refugee status (proof required).
Competition fees are non-refundable in the event of ineligibility, non-admission, withdrawal or for any application that does not meet the eligibility conditions.
2 - Submission of artistic file
Once the application fee has been paid and the administrative documents have been validated, applicants must submit their artistic file on the Oasis platform.
The artistic file is in PDF format only and consists of a single document (maximum size 20 MB). If they wish, applicants may add one or two video files in MP4 format (playback time limited to 2 minutes).
Applicants must also submit a CV.

Competition timetable

The competition timetable will be announced in December 2025.

If you have any questions, please consult the FAQ or send an e-mail to

Special arrangements for candidates with disabilities:
If you require special arrangements for your tests, please contact Edwige Olvrat, Student Life Officer (, so that she can send you the relevant documents.