You can apply for a maximum of three cumulative times, whether you have applied in 1st year or during studies in the past.

It is not possible to apply to multiple admission levels simultaneously. You must make up your own mind when registering for the exam, taking into account your educational background and the progress of your artistic work. 

Yes, the two courses are separate, you can take the two selection exams.

It is possible to apply from the 1st to the 4th year, excluding the 5th year

The candidate may apply in a year higher than the one in which he or she is currently enrolled, subject to validation before the start of the school year.

The choice of the year of study is a wish addressed to the jury according to the candidate's level of study. The jury is sovereign as to the candidate's year of assignment. However, it is entirely possible to apply for a lower level. This choice is purely personal.

Exemples :

  • If you are currently enrolled in your second year of higher education, you can only sit for the first year, unless you are currently enrolled in your second year of a two-year diploma course (BTS, DUT, DEUST, BTMS, BM, DMA), provided that you have validated your diploma by September 1st of the current year. In the latter case, the eventual success of the exam would be imperatively conditioned to the validation of your current year before the beginning of the school year.
  • If you are enrolled in 1st year of graduate studies and were already in 1st year (in the same or another program) last year, you may apply for 1st year only.
  • If you are enrolled in the 1st year of graduate studies, and have not done any other graduate studies before, you can only attend in the 1st year.

The admission level is an integral part of the jury's decision, which cannot be modified after the fact, except in the case where the candidate could not validate his or her year of study for health reasons.

Candidates from all courses accredited by the state or registered in the national directory of professional certifications are welcome, only the level of studies counts for administrative admissibility.

In the event of admission, the files of candidates whose training is unrelated to that provided at the school will be examined by an equivalence committee, which will determine the CUs they are likely to have to catch up.

The waiver request must be submitted by mail before January 31 (as evidenced by the postmark). We advise you to anticipate your application, so that the request for exemption can be examined. The request for exemption must be justified and accompanied by a CV.

If you have one, you can send us your baccalaureate transcript. Otherwise, you must make a request to the online service ( Please take into account the processing times for requests when submitting your application.

The benefit of admission is valid for the following entry only. It is up to each applicant to assess their priorities before applying for admission.

You must have a high school diploma, or in the final year of high school at the time of registration. This document must be sent to us accompanied by its translation by an official body / sworn translation

Foreign applicants are subject to the general admission regime, no certifying document is required, however fluency in the language is essential, all courses being given in French.

B2 level in French is strongly recommended 

Your file must reflect your artistic practice in the broad sense. It must reflect your specificity as a student-candidate, your desires, your projects as well as your aspirations. It must be composed of a precise selection of your works, the most representative and the most coherent, in order to form a whole that describes your personality. The only constraints are those of the physical format of the file.

Tuition fees are set by ministerial decree at €438, to which must be added €103 for the student life contribution (CVEC) and the Campus contribution, whatever your nationality or country of origin. 

Students receiving grants (Crous or specific grants) are exempt from registration fees and CVEC. 

Initial training

  • Tuition fees 438 euros
  • gap year 292 euros
  • Exemption for grant holders

Via Ferrata

  • Tuition fees 438 euros
  • Exemption for scholarship holders

Professional fields

  • Tuition fees 438 euros
  • Enrolment if double enrolment with Initial Training 219 euros

6th year

  • Tuition fees 438 euros

The school does not have a campus or a student housing stock. However, the Crous services can help you with the procedures, if you are eligible for Crous scholarships. (

The School of Fine Arts offers demanding training, which requires the full involvement of its students. You can, however, be enrolled in other training; it is then up to you to organize your timetables in order to be present at all the courses and training provided by the school. Equivalences may be considered depending on the training followed and on request from the school life service.

Accommodation is authorized for salaried students, students with disabilities or high level athletes. They are determined on a case-by-case basis with the student and, where applicable, preventive medicine services.

The documents requested are to be provided in pdf format only:

For admission in 1st year :
For applicants with a French degree: 

  • consult the Parcoursup website (

For admission to the first year of study with a foreign diploma (outside of Parcoursup): procedure outside of Parcoursup for admission to the first year of study (foreign graduates and exemptions)

  • identity document
  • diploma allowing access to university studies or school certificate translated into French and certified by a sworn/approved translator or by the competent foreign or French authority
  • copy of the last diploma obtained
  • for candidates who do not meet the diploma requirements, a request for a waiver addressed to the Director of the Beaux-Arts de Paris before January 31 (only by mail - postmarked)
  • for candidates with a scholarship: notification of scholarship

For admission during the course :

  • ID
  • regulatory identity photo
  • copy of the baccalaureate 
  • certificate of successful completion of two years of higher education (120 ECTS), or certificate of enrolment in the third year of a bachelor's degree or certificate of enrolment in the second year of the two-year degree courses mentioned above
  • for candidates who do not meet the conditions of application, a CV and a request for exemption (attesting to professional experience of more than 24 months)
  • for scholarship candidates: final notification of the scholarship


For candidates who have studied in non-French speaking countries, the documents must be accompanied by an official translation into French certified by a sworn/authorized translator or by the competent foreign or French authority.

During exhibitions, open days and open workshops.
