Diploma support

A diploma flat-rate aid is provided to every student enrolled for the DNSAP (Diplôme national supérieur d’Art Plastique). It is allocated all at once during the 10th semester (a GNI must be given to the registrar’s office when registering for the 5th year of study). 


CROUS higher education grants by social criteria

CROUS grants by social criteria are awarded for one academic year. Eligible candidates must be:

  • registered Beaux-Arts de Paris students;
  • under 28 at the time first grant is awarded;
  • French citizens;

Foreign students are eligible under one of the following conditions:

  • student’s parents are citizens of Europen Economic Community member countries and work or have worked in France under the terms of the Treaty of Rome;
  • student has obtained official refugee status from the Office Français de Protection des Réfugiés et Apatrides (OFRA);
  • either of student’s parents as well as parents’ dependent children have resided legally in France for at least two years.

Financial aid is monthly disbursed over 10 months, by transfer on postal checking account or bank account. Grantees are exempted from tuition fees and social security contribution.


Visale (former CROUS rental deposit for students)

The former student physical guarantor “Clé Locative” offered by CROUS to facilitate access to housing is now granted by Action Logement and is called “Garantie visale”.

Among Visale’s main benefits:

  • reassuring the lessor by reducing renting procedures;
  • allowing professional mobility – Visale can also be granted to young employees or with a promise of hiring under 30, to some extent, Visale can act as a guarantee covering unpaid rent or take over possible damages incurred during rent.

However, this does not mean that tenants do not need to take out insurance during the rental period, by choosing a home insurance policy that is appropriate to the situation. Tenants are legally obliged to take out insurance. 
Tip: to avoid being caught out by the administrative formalities involved in moving house, it's a good idea to plan ahead, especially when it comes to signing up for energy contracts and TV and internet box contracts, which are best done 15 days before D-Day.


Other available student aid

In order to face the precariousness of the students, the Crous has created a series of punctual and exceptional aids. This is a series of aids that can be requested according to one's profile and needs. Consult the public service platform to find the details of this aid. You will find assistance for housing, transportation or your daily expenses. In addition, you can find out about the assistance available for your driver's license. It is good to know that not all car insurance companies have the same rates, so check the differences. When you apply for assistance, you will never be asked to provide your credit card information. If your card is blocked due to a payment made at a merchant's terminal, go to the Perceval platform to follow the process.


“Départements” financial aids

The Conseils Généraux (General councils) of some French départements award financial aid grants. Information at the Service des bourses et prêts d’honneur of student’s local Conseil Général.



Specific annual emergency aid may be granted on presentation of an application validated by the Crous social worker, 
This specific allowance is intended for students in higher education up to the age of 35, who are independent from their families or are returning to study and are experiencing difficulties. This allowance, which cannot be combined with a higher education social criteria grant, is paid throughout the academic year in 6 to 10 monthly instalments.
For further information


Student and campus life fees

In application of the Law on Student Orientation and Success (ORE) of 8 March 2018, enrolment in a higher education establishment requires prior payment of the

Contribution Vie Étudiante et de Campus (CVEC) to the CROUS. The purpose of the CVEC is to provide students with social, health, cultural and sports services and to support prevention and health education initiatives. You must pay the €91 CVEC contribution to CROUS before registering with the school.

Depending on your situation, you may be exempt from paying the CVEC, but you will still need to contact CROUS to obtain a certificate of affiliation.

The following are exempt from the fee

  • CROUS scholarship holders ;
  • recipients of grants paid by the regions (for students in paramedical, health and social
  • paramedical, health and social courses)
  • refugees ;
  • beneficiaries of subsidiary protection;
  • asylum seekers with the right to remain in France.


Housing – residence halls

The three CROUS organizations of the Île-de-France region provide housing for students enrolled at institutions located in the following academies (educational districts):


  • 39, avenue Georges-Bernanos. 75005 Paris
    Tel: 01 40 51 55 55


  • 70, avenue du Général de Gaulle. 94010 Créteil
    Tel: 01 45 17 06 79


  • 145 bis, boulevard de la Reine. 78000 Versailles
    Tel: 01 39 24 52 00

A list of university residence halls is available at each CROUS centre.

Application forms are available starting January at Crous centers, or can be received by mail on request.

Applications should be submitted by March, 1st but will be accepted throughout the year, as space sometimes become available through cancellations.
Housing recipients are selected by the Director of the CROUS after consultation with a joint committee. Recipients are selected on the basis of socio-economic and scholastic criteria.


The Cité internationale, located 19 boulevard Jourdan, 75014 Paris, provides housing for over 5.000 students of all nationalities. Application forms are available at the Cité from April 1st.

Only students under 30 who have successfully completed two years of study are eligible.


Accomodations rue de Moscou

Beaux-Arts de Paris possess 4 accommodations, that can be attributed free of charge to students in difficult social or family situations. To candidate for the following year, one has to make an appointment with the social worker before May 31st of the ongoing year.

For more information: edwige.olvrat@beauxartsparis.fr


Private accomodations

A list of private housing offers, boarding houses and student hostels (maisons d’étudiants) is available at the Crous Service du Logement (Housing Service) and may be consulted in the Médiathèque.


Restaurants universitaires

The closest Restaurants to the School:

Mazet: 5, rue Mazet, 75006 Paris, Monday to Friday from 11:30 am to 2 pm, Sunday brunch from 10:30 am to 3:30 pm;

Mabillon: 3, rue Mabillon, 75006 Paris, Monday to Friday from 11:30 am to 2 pm, Monday to Friday from 6 pm to 8 pm, cafeteria Monday to Friday from 6 pm to 8.30 pm;

Paris-Descartes: 45, rue des Saints-Pères, 75006 Paris, Monday to Friday from 11:30 am to 2 pm.

Two university restaurants are open in the evening: Mabillon and Bullier.

Full list of restaurants



Café Héloïse, managed in the heart of the School by a collective of students, is a place for restauration, relaxation, exchange of impressions, wishes, news or opinions.