Call for candidates to the SACRe/PSL PhD program 2023 open from 7/03/2023 to 15/05/2023 4pm (Paris time, UTC +1)

The objective of SACRe is to facilitate the emergence and development of projects which associate art and research, and which are original in both their methods and their results. Encompassing multiple domains, as indicated by the name of the doctorate (SACRe: sciences, arts, creation and research), this truly interdisciplinary doctoral program brings together practitioners, as well as researchers in the sciences, humanities, and social sciences, thus inculcating a close articulation of thought and sensitivity.


The SACRe PhD program, governed by the decree of 25 May 2016 on the national doctoral diploma, is attached to the transdisciplinary doctoral school « Lettres, arts, sciences humaines et sociales » (ED540) 

The program is a result of the cooperation between six institutes: the Conservatoire national supérieur d’art dramatique (CNSAD: national theatre conservatory), Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris (CNSMDP: national music and dance conservatory), École nationale supérieure des Arts décoratifs (EnsAD: national school of decorative arts), École nationale supérieure des métiers de l’image et du son (La Fémis: national school for film), École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts (Beaux-Arts : national school for fine arts), and the École normale supérieure (ENS).


Candidates must meet university admission requirements and hold a French or foreign diploma certifying five years of higher education::

  • National Master's Degree or equivalent (conferring the Master's Degree)
  • For foreign applicants, a B2 level French language proficiency certificate is required.


Practitioner candidates must be able to present a file attesting to a real, solidly established practice. Candidates from the arts must be able to present a portfolio as evidence of a real artistic practice. Candidates cannot be currently enrolled in another doctoral program. If you already benefit from a grant, please mention it in your application. There is no age limit for candidates. Candidates may not apply more than three times.


Each art school declines the call for applications to the common SACRe/PSL doctoral program according to a specific audition schedule and protocols:


link to application