Charlotte Simonnet is the 2024 winner of the Prix Rubis Mécénat in collaboration with Saint-Eustache and the Beaux-Arts de Paris. A 4th year student, she has been awarded a grant and financial and curatorial support for the production of an artistic installation that will be installed in the church next October. Her inclusive work is based on the theme of rope and connection, and focuses on materials and their relationship with the architecture and symbolic value of the site. Stéphanie Pécourt, Director of the Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles, will be providing critical support for the artist Charlotte Simonnet's sculptures and installations are built on a relationship of oxymoron, a logic of opposites in which forms and symbols borrowed from architecture, industry, nature and ornamentation are hybridised. These opposites enable him to create spaces where inside and outside, the visible and the invisible merge.
The Rubis Mécénat endowment fund is a patron of Crush, an annual exhibition by 4th and 5th year students curated by 3 young curators, which encourages young artists to meet with art professionals.
Visual: Le ciel est bleu ou le sera demain, diplôme (dnap) 2023

Diplôme de 3e année (DNAP)

Charlotte Simonnet