Tiziano Foucault-Gini, a 5th year student (Sirjacq workshop), is the winner of the 2021 Contemporary Drawing Prize.


"I can't remember how long I've been drawing. In a childhood full of anger, drawing was an outlet, and allowed me to build myself. Today, it is the foundation of my practice. I practice it without concession, in the permanent idea of surpassing myself. Like boxing, which I have practiced for a long time, and which resonates with the way I work. When I draw, I fight, against myself and my limits." Tiziano Foucault-Gini


Created in 2013 to support and encourage young artists, the Contemporary Drawing Prize is awarded by the association Le Cabinet des amateurs de dessins de l'École des Beaux-Arts.


Selection committee for the 2021 prize: Emmanuel du Douët de Graville, Daniel Guerlain, Nicolas Joly, Laurie Marty de Cambiaire, Cecilia Hottinguer, Kathy Alliou and Emmanuelle Brugerolles.

President of the jury: Stanislas d'Alburquerque

Members of the 2021 jury: Matthieu de Boisséson, Florence Guerlain, Sylvie Prouté and Daniel Thierry.


Artists selected for the 2021 edition: Cassius Beau Baron, Tiziano Foucault-Gini, Daniel Galicia, Ludovic Lalliat and Anna Oarda