In 2025, Beaux-Arts de Paris presents the 5th edition of Crush.

For this new edition, 79 4th and 5th year students at Beaux-Arts de Paris are presenting their work in the cour vitrée. For this exhibition, they were assisted by three curators: Chris CYRILLE-ISAAC, poet, art critic and independent exhibition storyteller; Horya MAKHLOUF, art critic and curator; and Julia MARCHAND, curator.


Crush is an opportunity for young artists from the school to showcase their work-in-progress to art professionals, including curators, art critics, gallery owners and directors of art centers and museums. All artistic practices are represented: painting, drawing and sculpture, as well as performance, video and photography.

For this exhibition, a new configuration of the modular scenography designed by artist and designer Olivier VADROT has been imagined by the exhibitions department. 

Performance day on Saturday March 15, detailed program to follow. 

With the support of Rubis Mécénat and Sisley.  



Freelance poet, art critic and exhibition storyteller Chris Cyrille-Isaac studied philosophy and art theory at the Université Paris 8. He has written articles for several French magazines. 
Chris Cyrille-Isaac is a member of AICA (Association Internationale des Critiques d'Arts) and was awarded the Prix Dauphine pour l'Art contemporain (2017), the Prix Jeune Commissariat at the 69th edition of Jeune Création, and the Prix AICA in 2020. He curated the exhibition Mais le monde est une mangrovité (2021, Galerie Jeune Création), for which he is co-editor of the catalog (Rotolux, 2022). He is currently resident at Ateliers Médicis. As a theorist and poet, he is interested in Caribbean philosophies and aesthetics.

Horya Makhlouf is an art critic and curator, and co-founder of the Jeunes Critiques d'Art collective in 2016. A graduate of École du Louvre after several years of preparatory classes for the grandes écoles, she defends the emancipatory capacity of the arts in society, and likes to combine different approaches in her practice, borrowing from art history and the social sciences. Through writing and exhibiting, she explores the ways in which memories are formed, how big and small stories circulate, and what poetry can contribute to these processes.
She writes for the Moroccan magazine Diptyk Magazine, has collaborated with the specialized journal 02, and has taken part in the Visual Arts section of the podcast “L'esprit critique” (Mediapart). She contributes to the podcasts PQSD (Jeunes Critiques d'Art et Projets Média) and “Verni-es” (Projets Media) and co-founded the podcast “Le Croissant de feu” with artists Seumboy Vrainom :€ and Rayane Mcirdi.
In 2023, she imagined an itinerary of exhibitions, performances, readings, workshops & DJ sets for the Nuit Blanche de Césure (Paris 5). She has been artistic coordinator and curator of special projects at Palais de Tokyo since 2024.


Bérénice AHADJI, 4th year, atelier Cogitore
Yoann AKA, 5th year, atelier Blazy
Julia AKNIN, 4th year, atelier Childress
Oscar AMEYE, 4th year, atelier Creuzet
Mehdi AZZOUZ, 5th year, atelier Jouve
Michaël BERDUGO, 4th year, atelier Prévieux
Rachel BORENSZTEJN, 5th year, atelier Allouche
Mehdi BOUALLI GUINCHARD, 5th year, atelier Calais
Chérine BOUBENDIR, 4th year, atelier Mesiti
Hugo BOURSIER, 5th year, atelier Cornaro
Yassin BOUZID, 4th year, atelier Creuzet
Lenna CARLETON, 4th year, atelier Cogitore
Jules CHARABOUSKA, 5th year, atelier Burki
Zoe CHATAIGNON, 5th year, atelier Sirjacq
Dayeong CHOI, 5th year, atelier Huynh
Louis CLOZIER, 4th year, atelier Blanc & Nielsen
Salomé DAHERON, 5th year, atelier Huynh
Sybille DE ROQUEMAUREL, 4th year, atelier Echard
Hervé SAINT BLANCARD, 4th year, atelier Berrada
Brune DE SOTO, 4th year, atelier Perramant
Virgile DESBAT, 5th year, atelier Cogitore
Princesse DIAKUMPUNA, 5th year, atelier Eitel 
Marine DUCROUX GAZIOT, 5th year, atelier Mesiti
Clara DUFLOT, 5th year, atelier Creuzet
Pierre DUMAIRE, 5th year, atelier Blanc & Nielsen
Mina FERRARI, 4th year, atelier Blanc & Nielsen
Nina FIORENTINI, 5th year, atelier Geoffray
Marius FOUQUET, 5th year, atelier Sirjacq
Héléna FOURMONT, 5th year, atelier Calais
Lea GATTONI, 5th year, atelier Burki
Nathan GHALI, 5th year, atelier Prévieux
Luca GIANOLA, 5th year, atelier Trouvé
Alice GOGOLE, 5th year, atelier Calais
François GRANGE, 5th year, atelier Closky
Clément GRIMM, 4th year, atelier Halilaj & Urbano
Chia HUANG, 5th year, atelier Cogitore
Feryel KAABECHE, 4th year, atelier Sirjacq
Leandro KATZ, 5th year, atelier Burki
Armand KOESTINGER, 5th year, atelier Huynh
Adrien LAGRANGE, 5th year, atelier Paris
Lisa LECUIVRE, 5th year, atelier Prévieux
Hanna LEE, 5th year, atelier Paris
Anaïs LEGROS, 5th year, atelier Mesiti
Noémi LENEMAN, 5th year, atelier Prévieux
Anouk LEVESQUE, 5th year, atelier Burki
Joséphine LOEMBE-SAUTHAT, 5th year, atelier Creuzet
Maëlle LUCAS-LE GARREC, 5th year, ateliers Figarella et Creuzet
Jullian MARQUES, 5th year, atelier Calais
Zilia MARQUET-ELLIS, 5th year, atelier Perramant
Neeve MOULE DRIGE, 4th year, atelier Berrada
Parisa MOUSAVI, 4th year, ateliers Paris et Renault
Vincent MUIR, 4th year, atelier Bouwens
Kiek NIEUWINT, 5th year, atelier Echard
Sara NOUN, 4th year, atelier Cornaro
Dayane OBADIA, 5th year, atelier Van der Meulen
Camille PAILLOU, 5th year, atelier Cornaro
Liselor PEREZ, 5th year, atelier Figarella
Max PEROY MENARD, 4th year, atelier Berrada
Axelle PIELEA, 5th year, atelier Blanc & Nielsen
Clarisse PILLARD, 5th year, atelier Prévieux
Clément PLAQUET, 5th year, atelier Bouwens
Mathis POGU, 5th year, atelier Arndt
Romain POMMELET, 5th year, atelier Figarella
Tymur POSTOVYI, 4th year, atelier Calais
Caroline RAMBAUD, 5th year, atelier Sirjacq
Rose RAS, 5th year, atelier Childress
Paul ROHAUT, 5th year, atelier Burki
Bénédicte ROUSSELET, 5th year, atelier Renault
François ROY, 4th year, atelier Pagès
Félix TABURET, 5th year, atelier Berrada
Vincent VAN DER DONK, 5th year, atelier Trouvé
Emmauel VAN DER ELST, 5th year, atelier Prévieux
Célia VIGUIE, 5th year, atelier Burki 
Yi YE, 5th year, atelier Trouvé
Yi, Nu ZANG, HA, 5th year, atelier Prévieux
Tingshan ZHOU, 4th year, atelier Closky


March 6 to 16, 2025
Cour vitrée
14 rue Bonaparte, Paris 6
Every day from 1pm to 7pm

Visual credit : Chloé Poitevin