Dinosaurs, Whales, Sunken Worlds:
a popular genealogy of the exhibition form.
Yannick LANGLOIS, PhD student SACRe/Beaux-Arts de Paris
As a form, a format, even a work in its own right, the exhibition has become increasingly important in the discourses of art and its issues. This is evidenced by developments in research on the history of exhibitions and their uses. By seeking to leave the great historical perspectives, this thesis proposes to find in popular and anecdotal events new possibilities capable of enlivening this exhibition form and its devices, and redefining its models.
Date and time of the defense: Tuesday, April 27, 9 a.m.
Public defense by videoconference.
Link communicated upon registration by sending an email to: yannicklanglois@yahoo.fr
Magali Nachtergael, professor, Bordeaux Montaigne University
Christophe Viart, professor, Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Claire Le Restif, director of Crédac
Pierre Alféri, thesis director, teacher at Beaux-Arts de Paris
Dominique Blais, artist and thesis co-supervisor

Dinosaurs, Whales, Sunken Worlds: A Popular Genealogy of the Exhibition Form