Des lignes de désir presents the twenty-eight artists who graduated from the Beaux-Arts de Paris with a Diplôme National Supérieur d'Arts Plastiques and a Congratulations from the Jury in 2023.

The exhibition, curated by Emilie Villez, reflects the diversity of the artistic proposals that have emerged from the School. Paintings, sculptures, installations and videos coexist with performance and publishing practices, presented through a weekly programme.

Lines of desire, also known as paths of free will, are gentle challenges to the system, traced out in the landscape by the erosion of humans or animals as they walk. Criticism of the excesses of modernity is a subtext for the artists presented.

Getting off the beaten track, while finding one's place in the art ecosystem: the aim of the exhibition is above all to present the public with a panorama of contemporary artistic practices, opening up avenues of resonance and reflection on art and the world today.

There will be events around Des lignes de désir every week


To coincide with the opening, Rose Bourdon is presenting an inaugural performance: DIPLÔMÉ.ES is a collective play in which five École Centrale Paris students play the roles of first-person alumni whose lives and testimonies have been collected over the last few months by telephone. The actors each wear an 'alloro trionfale' laurel wreath that distinguishes them from the rest of the audience, a popular symbol of the graduation rite. The testimonies are documented and archived in an edition produced by Margot Bernard.


Press coverage

Les Inrocks "28 young artists weave their web at the Beaux-Arts de Paris"

Libération "Félicités 2023": graduates of the Beaux-Arts de Paris show off their fine designs"

L'Humanité "Sculpture, short films, performance: the next generation of artists on show at the Beaux-Arts de Paris"

Beaux Arts Mag 5 Paris Beaux-Arts graduates who blew us away


Practical information

From Wednesday 24 January 2024 to Sunday 17 March 2024
Wednesday to Sunday 1pm - 7pm, Thursday night until 9pm
Palais des Beaux-Arts
13 quai Malaquais, 75006 Paris
Tickets €2, €5 or €10, the choice is yours!