For the 5th year running, the law firm Gide has invited students and recent graduates of the School to design a series of 3 short films to be shown throughout the year on the very large LED screens located at the firm's head office in Paris. 43 candidates responded to this call for projects, which were studied by a jury made up of representatives from the Beaux-Arts de Paris and partners from the Gide law firm, who met on 8 December to finalise a selection of projects reflecting the different image practices within the School.

The 4 winning projects:

Claire Beriel-Rodriguez, 1st year, for Tévé, a comedy series about the relationship between humans and television
Elina Huneman Kulich, 2023 graduate, for Les Oiseaux, a cartoon about transmuting birds
Anaïs Legros, 4th year, for l'Équilibriste, a 3D animation showing a tightrope walker in perspective views of urban or natural architecture
Romain Moncet, a 2020 graduate, for Good Vibes, a montage of micro-events and everyday optical phenomena.

Gide is also a patron of the Beaux-Arts de Paris in various areas of the school's teaching: Via Ferrata, the Beaux-Arts de Paris preparatory class, mediation aimed at young audiences and the professionalisation of artists for intellectual property.