Winner of the Seqens-L'apes call for projects
Action Logement Group for the Square Neptune in Torcy-sur-Marne
For the second year in a row, the Beaux-Arts de Paris, in partnership with Seqens and L'apes-Groupe Action Logement, have organized a call for projects for an artistic creation on a monumental scale in a social housing district. This is the 4th call for projects in two years and the 3rd in Torcy-sur-Marne
The winner is Aurélien Morizet-Mahoudeaux, 2021 graduate, with a project mixing nature and geometry, stylized plants and technology, which introduces lines into the space of the Square Neptune without restricting the movements of the inhabitants and keeps a poetic dimension which leaves room for imaginary journeys and games.
This proposal has retained the attention of the jury for its aesthetic qualities, its consideration of the initial project (chalet-bike room invested in 2020 by Daniel Nikolaevsky Maria), the movements of the inhabitants and the technical constraints of realization and maintenance in time.
Composition of the jury :
Laurence Limbourg, Delegated Director Seqens 75-77-94
Catherine Bridonneau, Real Estate Director Seqens 77
Hélène Baril, Director L'apes-Action Logement
Camillo Gorleri, CDSU and cultural projects manager L'apes-Action Logement
Juliette Delaveau, Social and urban development officer at L'apes-Action Logement (future cultural projects manager in my absence)
Joellsy Boka, Social and urban development officer at L'apes-Action Logement and referent for the city of Torcy
Vincent Priol, in charge of the "Visual Arts" mission for the City of Torcy
And Jean de Loisy, director of the Beaux-Arts de Paris
The apes is also a sponsor of Hérodote at the Beaux-Arts de Paris, a program to help refugee and asylum-seeking artists who have undertaken or completed higher education in the arts in their country of origin to resume their studies.

Appel à projet pour le Square Neptune à Torcy-sur-Marne - L'apes-Seqens/Groupe Action Logement

Appel à projet pour le Square Neptune à Torcy-sur-Marne - L'apes-Seqens/Groupe Action Logement

Appel à projet pour le Square Neptune à Torcy-sur-Marne - L'apes-Seqens/Groupe Action Logement