Pascale Marthine Tayou, born in 1966 in Nkongsamba, Cameroon, settled in Ghent, Belgium, head of the studio at the Beaux-Arts de Paris, is one of the greatest artists of his generation. For more than twenty-five years, he has been developing an abundant and free work, mixing crafts, national and economic symbols, organic materials, the scraps of civilization..., and has an implicitly critical and political view of the world. His prolific vocabulary, animated by a "transcultural" vision, conveys the richness, troubles and contradictions of today's society. For it is as a surveyor of the multiple and globalized contemporary world that Pascale Marthine Tayou has always followed her own logic, her own rules, to create her open artistic territory, where the quest for the human is at stake.

Created between Pascale Marthine Tayou and Jérôme Sans, curator and artistic director, during more than twenty years of complicity and "in/interrupted" collaborations, Vaudou Child is an unvarnished remix, a true flattening and wandering through the artist's universe, a continuous flow of dialogues nourished by the flavor of a changing world. A story of friendship that reveals Pascale Marthine Tayou as the storyteller of her own life. Offering a critical and self-critical relationship to her work, this book offers an introspection sprinkled with the artist's reflections, questions and doubts that make her experiments as a "doer" all the more vibrant and embodied.

ISBN : 978-2-84056-805-6
Price (all taxes included) : 20€.
Ecrits d’artistes collection
174 pages