Tuesday 7 June 2022

6:30pm - 7:30pm

Amphithéâtre des Loges

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris


Techno-imaginary, languages and politics.

Critically acclaimed author and winner of several Grands Prix de l'Imaginaire, Alain Damasio discusses his latest novel, Les Furtifs (La Volte), which brings together his political concerns, his inventive language and his typographic innovations.


Born in Lyon in 1969, Alain Damasio has been riding high in the world of the imagination since the publication of his second novel, La Horde du contrevent, in 2004. He explains his predilection for polyphonic narratives, and for the physical, physiological work of language, by a vital need to inhabit several bodies, and to let himself be inhabited. After the re-publication by La Volte in 2007 of La Zone du Dehors (Cylibris, 2001), an anticipation story inspired by Michel Foucault, and a collection of short stories, Aucun souvenir assez solide, Alain Damasio published his novel Les Furtifs, which brings together his political preoccupations, his inventiveness of language and his typographical innovations.


Widely acclaimed by the critics, Alain Damasio has created a rare work, without equivalent in the literature of the imagination.

La Horde du Contrevent was awarded the Grand Prix de l'Imaginaire 2006 and the Prix Imaginales des Lycéens 2006. La Zone du Dehors was awarded the 2007 European Utopiales Prize.

Serf-made-man? Ou la créativité questionable by Nolan Peskine received the Grand Prix de l'Imaginaire 2018 in the best short story category. (To be read in the collection Au bal des actifs).

Les Furtifs was voted Best Book 2019 by Lire magazine, received the Libr'à Nous 2020 award in the Imaginary category and was awarded the Grand Prix de l'Imaginaire 2020.


Penser le Présent is made possible with the support of Société Générale.


Free entry subject to availability of seats

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Photo credit: © Cyrille Choupas