Thursday 29 February 2024

6:00pm - 8:00pm

Palais des Beaux-Arts

13 quai Malaquais, 75006 Paris


Éditions Burn~Août 

Presentation of the book Politiser l’enfance (Politicising Childhood), dir. Vincent Romagny, Ed. Burn~Août, 2023)
with Marie Preston (artist, contributor), Vincent Romagny (editorial director), Margot Bernard (artist, student) and Théo Pall (2023 graduate and editor of the publication).

Politiser l’enfance, collective work (dir. Vincent Romagny), Éditions Burn~Août, 2023

Politiser l’enfance is an anthology of new, translated or republished texts, written by artists, philosophers, sociologists, journalists, art critics, etc. The texts address the relationship between childhood and politics not from one point of view, but from several perspectives - philosophical, sociological, historical, poetic, artistic, feminist, queer, etc. - that sometimes converge. 

Marie Preston is an artist and teacher-researcher at the University Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis (TEAMeD/AIAC Laboratory). In recent years, her artistic research has focused on the practice of baking, open schools and libertarian and institutional education and on female professions within care and early years. 

Vincent Romagny is an aesthetics professor at ENSBA Lyon. His research focuses on the history of playgrounds, how they are perceived in contemporary art, as well as the relationships between art and childhood in contemporary art. 

Margot Bernard “dissects the life common to all things, driven by the conviction that our ways of living, conversing, learning and working are intrinsically political”. (Andreanne Beguin)

Marc Lohner
NEF S, 2023
Sound improvisation 

“NEF S is a group of plucked and bowed string instruments composed mainly of wood, piano wire, hemp rope and pine resin. It’s a piece that spins an analogy between composition and navigation, crew and band, symphony and odyssey. 
“These boat-harps come to life when they're played by the musicians, but also, at any moment during the exhibition, by the visitors.”

Palais des Beaux-arts, 13 quai Malaquais, Paris 6e
2, 5 or 10 €, the choice is yours!

Photo credits:
Cover of Politiser l'enfance, collective work (ed. Vincent Romagny), Éditions Burn~Août, 2023
Marc Lohner, Between gods and roots, 5th year diploma, 2023 © Aurélia Casse