Dialogue - Jeanne Burgart Goutal

Thursday 18 June 2020

6:00pm - 7:00pm

A philosophy graduate and yoga teacher, Jeanne Burgart Goutal dialogs with Alain Berland about her latest book: Être écoféministe, théorie et pratique, a philosophical road-trip alternating investigations and analyses.

Jeanne Burgart Goutal has been conducting research on ecofeminism for nearly ten years, mixing theoretical and real-life approaches. She is the author of several reference texts on the subject, notably in Féminismes du XXIe siècle (PUR, 2017) and in Dictionnaire des Féministes (PUF, 2017). 

The oppression of women and the destruction of nature would be two inseparable facets of a model of civilization that must be overcome: this is the central perspective of ecofeminism. But behind this term lies a wide variety of activist thinking and practice. Breaking with a fashionable, chic and apolitical approach, this book restores the richness and diversity of the theories developed by this movement created more than 40 years ago: radical criticism of capitalism and technoscience, rediscovery of traditional wisdom and know-how, repossession of their bodies by women, learning an intimate relationship with the cosmos... 

In this philosophical road trip alternating reports and analyses, the author takes us on a journey in the footsteps of eco-feminists, from the Cévennes, where some of them attempt the adventure of independent living, to the North of India, at the star of the Vandana Shiva movement’s. She also reveals the ambiguities of this current, where Westerners in search of social alternatives and personal transformation, NGOs pursuing their own commercial and political strategies and the concrete struggles of women and indigenous communities in the Southern countries meet.

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