Friday 13 January 2023

2:00pm - 4:00pm

Amphithéâtre d'Honneur

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris


The fourth session will look at the issues raised by this key moment in the life of a student, i.e. entry to the school. Alice Thomine-Berrada and Emmanuelle Quilez will trace the evolution of the entrance exam from the regulations and Lucie Lachenal will show how this evolution is manifested in the students' matriculation records. This historical perspective will be confronted with the testimony of the artist Anna Oarda, who graduated from the Beaux-Arts de Paris in 2022, concerning her entry to the School. 

Mayken Jonkman's (RKD, The Hague) investigation will allow us to evoke, on the basis of the students of the School present in the registers of the Goupil gallery (1863-1884), the professionalization of young artists on leaving the School.


Emmanuelle Quiliez (independent researcher), Alice Thomine (Beaux-arts de Paris), Lucie Lachenal (Beaux-arts de Paris), Anna Oarda (graduate 2022)


About this seminar
Between 1800 and 1968, more than 13,000 painting and sculpting students enrolled at the École des Beaux-arts de Paris. As part of the digital publication project of the School's registration registers, supported by the Beaux-arts de Paris, the CNRS and the Institut national d'histoire de l'art, the aim of this seminar is to interrogate the data contained in these documents and to explore their richness. The information on the geographical origin of the students, their gender, their age, their background, their address in Paris, their guarantor, as well as the observations on their career within the School must be subjected to a critical reading, particularly for their categorical quality and their serialization over a long period. These data make it possible to question the idea of the workshop, as well as artistic genealogies and networks. They allow us to observe the effects of circulation and transregional and transnational trajectories over time, the impact of periods of conflict, the growing feminisation of the student population, the effects of mass and distinction. Based on this formidable mine, the seminar will offer the opportunity to cross disciplinary approaches, as well as questions raised by current specialists in the history of artistic pedagogy, and by current and former teachers and students of the School.


In partnership with the Beaux-arts de Paris and the Centre national de recherche scientifique (CNRS)


Scientific Committee
Claire Barbillon (École du Louvre), Alain Bonnet (University of Burgundy), Anne-Marie Châtelet (University of Strasbourg), Penelope Curtis (art historian and independent curator), Marc Gotlieb (University of Williamstown), Pascal Griener (University of Neuchâtel), Mayken Jonkman (Netherlands Institute of Art History, RKD, The Hague), Stéphanie Louis (École nationale des chartes), François-René Martin (Beaux-arts de Paris - École du Louvre), Geneviève Profit (Archives nationales), Clothilde Roullier (Archives nationales), Pierre Serié (Université Clermont Auvergne), Séverine Sofio (CNRS), Édouard Vasseur (École nationale des chartes), Émilie Verger (independent researcher), Eleonora Vratskidou (Athens School of Fine Arts), Hannah Williams (Queen Mary University, London)



This programme is made possible by the support of the Malatier-Jacquet Foundation, hosted by the Fondation de France.
Free admission subject to availability