From Thursday 1 June 2023 to Sunday 16 July 2023

1:00pm - 7:00pm

Librairie des Beaux-Arts de Paris

13 quai Malaquais, 75006 Paris


Le Cercle s'Ouvre Act 2 :

5 July at 5.30pm / conversation between René-Jacques Mayer, Caroline Naphegyi and artists Sara Favriau, Vincent Lamouroux, Nicolas Momein, Morgane Tschiember and Aurélie Sarallier, founder of ColAAb-édition


As part of the Sur le feu exhibition, Le Cercle Chromatique has invited the ColAAb publishing house to present a selection of furniture works by contemporary artists, including many of the School's alumni, in the Paris Fine Arts bookshop.

This capsule brings together objects made by the best craftsmen, carefully selected according to the artists' original and original thinking. With lighting, textiles, furniture and functional objects, this collection reinforces the dialogue between architecture and the different creative worlds. It allows us to discover, from another angle, the work of artists on a medium that was previously unusual for them, borrowing functionality as a new medium.


Librairie des Beaux-Arts de Paris - 13 quai Malaquais, Paris 6e
Wednesday to Sunday from 1pm to 7pm. Nocturne on Thursday until 9pm.
Free access to the bookshop
Ticket office responsible 2€, 5€ or 10€ to visit the exhibition

Photo credit: Morgane Tschiember © Aurélien Mole