Thursday 29 February 2024

6:00pm - 8:00pm

Amphithéâtre du mûrier

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris


Artist Julieta Hanono presents her work on the Cosmology of the Aubervilliers Aquarium at the La Débrouille workshop, with Adria Bentamate and the support of the Bureau des Heures Invisibles. She is in dialogue with the philosophers Fabienne Brugère and Mara Montanaro, on the relationship between cosmology and the philosophy of care, and on the interweaving of cosmology with the pacha mama and Latin American feminisms.
Julieta Hanono's cosmologies are modelled on the cosmovision of the Qom people, the indigenous people who originally lived in the Chaco region of Argentina, in the forest known as 'The Impenetrable'. Today, deforestation and extractivism are forcing this original people into an exodus to the outskirts of the cities. Since 2017, the artist has been working with them, encountering their history and that of one of their founding myths: the star women.

Julieta Hanono was born in Buenos Aires and studied philosophy and visual arts at the University of
Rosario. Between 1990 and 1992 she studied at the Beaux-Arts in Paris. 
Her work is closely linked to her political experience in Argentina in the 1970s, her disappearance, imprisonment and subsequent exile in France.Today, her work represents a meeting point between two different geographical spheres: Latin America and the northern hemisphere. From a feminist perspective, through her work she is committed to reflecting on the critical and aesthetic models between North and South, questioning language in its capacity to translate personal and collective narratives.

Fabienne Brugère has been a professor of philosophy of modern and contemporary arts at Université Paris 8 since 2014, specialising in aesthetics and philosophy of art, history of modern philosophy (18th century), moral and political philosophy, Anglo-American philosophy studies and feminist theory. She has chaired the Université Paris Lumières since 2019. She is developing the philosophy of Care.

Mara Montanaro is a philosopher and researcher at the Laboratoire d'études de genre et sexualités (LEGS) at the Université Paris 8. She specialises in contemporary feminist philosophy and is also a curator. Together with Julieta Hanono, she is preparing an exhibition at the Centre d'Art Contemporain de Genève in 2024.

Invited by Cercle Chromatique, the alumni association of the Beaux-Arts de Paris.

Amphithéâtre du mûrier - 14 rue Bonaparte, Paris 6e
Free admission, subject to availability

Photo credits: © Julietta Hanono, BHI (Bureau des Heures Invisibles)