Friday 25 November 2022

2:00pm - 4:00pm

Amphithéâtre d'Honneur

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris


The Reg-Arts project (École des Beaux-arts de Paris, CNRS, INHA) aims to understand the history of the École des Beaux-arts from a multidisciplinary perspective, through the creation of a digital resource giving access to the registration registers of student painters and sculptors between 1813 and 1968. The accompanying seminar is intended to explore this history in a collective way.

The session on 25 November will be devoted to the workshops. The presentation of recent research on Ingres's studio by Clara Lespessailles (École du Louvre) and François-René Martin (Beaux-Arts de Paris/École du Louvre) will provide an opportunity to renew our understanding. Alain Bonnet (University of Burgundy) will explain the consequences of the 1863 reform, which instituted workshops within the School. A study of the matriculation registers will allow us to evaluate the impact of the system of these free public workshops on the success of the entrance exam and the Prix de Rome.

This programme is made possible by the support of the Malatier-Jacquet Foundation, sponsored by the Fondation de France.

Free entry subject to availability of places