From Tuesday 5 April 2022 to Wednesday 6 April 2022

6:00pm - 9:00pm

Palais des Études

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris


Restitution of the masterclass directed by Julian Vogel with the students of the Beaux-Arts de Paris (Huynh and Prévieux workshops) and of the Académie Fratellini. 

The content of the masterclass is articulated around Julian Vogel's artistic approach with his China Series project. The focus is on working with objects and exploring the links between visual arts and circus. The difference lies in the temporal and spatial experience between the forms of presentation, performance and installation/exhibition.

April 5 and 6 from 6pm in the Right and Left Galleries
Performances at 7:30 pm

Artistic direction : Julian Vogel

By and with : Emmanuel van der Elst, Louise Steffan, Armand Koestinger, Elisa Paul, Kobas Verschuren, Léonie Porsher, Sophie Torrell, Nina Castiglia, Louise Hardouin, Daniel Kvasnosky, Tom Neyret and Lucie Otter


In collaboration with Circusnext, the Maison des Jonglages and the Académie Fratellini.
Photo credit : DR