Wednesday 17 May 2023

7:00pm - 10:00pm

Chapelle des Petits-Augustins

14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris


Created in 2020 on the initiative of the Beaux-Arts de Paris in collaboration with Ircam, the Supersonic Chair "exposing, editing, inhabiting sound" is presented as a workshop for sharing tools and practices for composing sound, visual and sensitive space. Composers from Ircam's Composition and Computer Science program and students from the Beaux-Arts de Paris worked together throughout the year to imagine and compose sound, visual and performative works. For this 3rd edition, the artists participating in the Supersonic Chair are invited to present their creations in a remarkable place steeped in history: the Chapelle des Petits-Augustins of the Beaux-Arts de Paris. How to apprehend, divert and inhabit this space?


5 performance projects to discover with :

The students of the Beaux-Arts de Paris

Anaïs Fontanges

Cassius Baron

Circé Lac

Clara Éon

Louise Vo Tan

Lucie Wahl

Margot Bernard

Noémi Leneman

Sophie Torrell

Soraya Abdelhouaret

Vincent Isabel

The Ircam composers

Sachie Kobayashi

Sebastian Adams

The programme will be unveiled very soon


Download the program