Around the exhibition Chère Melpomène
2pm | Écrire en spirale
Writing workshop with Douce Dibondo
Writing as trance and ecstasy. Find the balance between exteriority (trance) and ecstasy (interiority) with exercises in side stepping, stepping back and merging with our surroundings.
Douce Dibondo is a freelance journalist and writes a blog for Mediapart. She has notably been a member of AJL (the Association of LGBTI Journalists) and the Afrofeminist collective Mwasi. In 2018, she became known for her podcast “Extimité”, created with Anthony Vincent (fashion journalist and queer activist), in which they give a voice to minoritized people at the junction of several oppressions (racism, misogyny, handiphobia, homophobia, transphobia).
18H30 | Invocation à Melpomène
Musical composition and vocal performance by Lucie Curé
A voice in motion invokes the Muse, in a sonic immersion where space, works and bodies resonate together. Everyone is invited to call inwardly to their source of inspiration, and why not let their own voice mingle with a guided collective invocation.
A voice in motion invokes the Muse, in a sonic immersion where space, works and bodies resonate together. Everyone is invited to call inwardly to their source of inspiration, and why not, to let their own voice mingle with a guided collective invocation.
Lucie Curé, composer and opera singer, explores certain links between experimental and classical music, while researching various vocal aesthetics and techniques. At the heart of her work lies a deep connection between imagination, creativity and the urgent need to amplify the voices of biodiversity, the environment, benevolence and sharing. Through music, she seeks to foster collective experiences of healing and reflection, encouraging a deep engagement with the human and natural worlds, while questioning the issues of our contemporary world.
As a Mezzo-Soprano, Lucie obtained her Master of Music in Performance from the Royal College of Music in London in 2022, where she studied under Sally Burgess. Her voice is a tool for interpreting characters from both traditional opera and contemporary performance, combining classical vocal technique and experimental expression, in the service of catharsis and emotion.
7pm | Divertimento
A piece by Baptiste Agnero Rigot, assisted by Mia Brenguier
Performers: Eliote Bizarro Leitão Fernandes, Aryle Nsengiyumva, Tifenn Piron
Music: Léo Beauséjour
Three characters, a strange people, inhabit the white walls and nooks between the works. With their clumsy, hobbling bodies, they question the history of the art world and the secret rules imposed on visitors. Their clumsy bodies are the stage for silent resistance. These three performers form a single character, and in that character, we've stuffed everything we wanted to salvage from the ruins of history. The luminous, almost faded image of all these tiny lives, these non-imperious peoples, these postponed destinies that can only be grasped in the opaque shadows of statues.
As part of the exhibition Chère Melpomène

Crédit photo : © Jonathan Svante Halfdan Hjorth