Preface by John de Loisy. Texts by Guitemie Maldonado, Ingrid Luquet Gad and Patrick Tosani.

Born in 1954, Patrick Tosani lives and works in Sarthe and Paris. He taught at Beaux-Arts de Paris from 2004 to 2019.

Since 1976, through his photographic work, Patrick Tosani has developed a reflection on questions of space and scale. The photographic process, its possibilities, its limitations, the relationship to reality are constantly questioned through series on objects, the body and clothing, among other subject matter.

This paperback monograph is introduced with a text by Guitemie Maldonado, teacher at Beaux-Arts de Paris, and its publication has been programmed to coincide with Beaux-Arts de Paris’s acquisition of Patrick Tosani’s series of works Les corps du dessous.

Each part of the series – ‘Glaçons’ (ice cubes); ‘Les abeilles’ (the bees); ‘Surfaces’ (surfaces); ‘Masques’ (masks); ‘Vêtements’ (clothing); ‘Pluies’ (rain); ‘Changements d’état’ (changes in state); ‘Planètes’ (planets) - is introduced by a short text and a selection of representative works.


ISBN 978-2-84056-766-0
Sales price €10
12 × 16 cm 
112 pages