Texts by Philippe Artières, Éric de Chassey, Anne-Marie Garcia, Pascale Le Thorel, Élodie Antoine

The civil unrest in France in 1968 was the theatre for formidable visual production; at this time artists and activists from the far left invented forms of expression linked to collective struggles. Images en Lutte recounts the coming together of art and politics, which took place at the Beaux-Arts de Paris from the Atelier populaire, which produced posters in 1968, to the meetings of the FHAR (Homosexual Front for Revolutionary Action) and the MLF (Women’s Liberation Movement) in 1974. This work begins with more than 300 posters produced by the Atelier populaire and reproduced in large format. It presents poster projects and a photo report on the occupation of the Beaux Arts de Paris. It brings together paintings, photographs, sculptures, installations, reviews, tracts, political posters, film extracts in other themed documents.

With the works of Aillaud, Arroyo, Biras, Buraglio, Cane, Coopérative des Malassis, Cueco, Devade, Dezeuze, Dolla, Pignon-Ernest, Erró, Fromanger, Frydman, Godard, Ipoustéguy, Janicot, Jolivet, Journiac, Kagan, Le Parc , Marker, Mathelin, Matieu, Messager, Mosset, Mouraud, Pincemin, Rancillac, Raysse, Rutault, Roussopoulos, Tisserand, Vermès, Viallat, Yalter, Yvel…, and anonymous collectives and creators.


ISBN 978-2-84056-516-1
Sales price €49
Black and white and colored illustrations - Broché
21 × 27 cm
832 pages
Available on digital format