Penser le Présent

Penser le Présent

To be funded


The Beaux-Arts de Paris cultural programme is an essential part of the school's calendar.

Each week, Penser le présent (Thinking the Present) brings together leading figures in contemporary art and thought, with a focus on current affairs and all disciplines. Guests such as Annie Ernaux, Mona Cholet, Marc Partouche, Giuseppe Penone, Thomas Lévy-Lasne, Anne Imhof and Myriam Mihindou have responded to the invitation, and are all welcomed with great interest and enthusiasm in our lecture theatres.

Aimed at students and open to the public, Penser le Présent is also broadcast on social networks.

Live on Instagram (77 000 followers) then on the YouTube channel and as a podcast on all platforms, multiplying the audience.

Penser le Présent is now enjoying excellent visibility.

The partner is involved in all the programme's communications (website, social networks, digital newsletters, invitations), i.e. around thirty events between October and June.

The budget is €30,000 per year for programming, recording and broadcasting.

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