

English teacher

A native of Massachusetts, June Allen holds a BFA from Pratt Institute, New York, and a Master of Fine Arts from Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. A finalist in the Luxembourg Art Prize (2015) and artist in residence at Pixericourt, Curry-Vavart (2014) and Les Grands Voisins (2015-2017), she has produced murals at Les Grands Voisins and the Grande-Synthe Camp.

She questions the polarity between maintenance and abandonment in the creative process and in 2017 and 2018 co-organised a study day and round table on this subject. She is a member of the Laboratoire du Geste and the ACTE Institute and teaches English at the Beaux-Arts de Paris.



Photo : Hugo Aymar


Depuis 2008 :