

Born in 1978 in Bucharest, lives and works in Paris.

An art historian with a double Master's degree in Renaissance art and contemporary architecture, as well as a DESS in history and management of cultural heritage obtained at the Sorbonne, Magdalena Chansel is currently completing her doctoral thesis on the performative aspects of Arte Povera, under joint supervision of the Universities of Paris X and Rome III.

Since 2009, she has been teaching in French and English, notably for the American University of Paris and the Institut d'Etudes Supérieures d'Art (international section, Master's level), specializing in the teaching of contemporary art and performance practices.

In parallel, she regularly collaborates with the journal Connaissance des Arts, for which she writes articles on current exhibitions in France, and has worked for contemporary art and photography galleries, including Esther Woerdehoff and Cyrille de Gunzburg.