

Studio professor

Julien Creuzet creates a protean body of work that incorporates poetry, music, sculpture, assemblage, film and animation. By evoking trans-oceanic post-colonial exchanges and their multiple temporalities, the artist places his past, present and future heritage at the heart of his production. Shunning global narratives and cultural reductionism, Julien Creuzet's work often highlights anachronisms and social realities to construct irreducible objects. Like relics of the future brought ashore by an ocean tide, his works materialise as amplified testimonies to history, technology, geography and the self. 


Recent solo exhibitions include: Camden Arts Centre, (London, forthcoming), Document (Chicago), CAN Centre d'art Neuchâtel, Palais de Tokyo, Fondation Ricard, Bétonsalon. Group exhibitions include: Manifesta 13 (Marseille), Wiels Contemporary Art Center (Brussels), Museum für Modern Kunst (Frankfurt), Kampala Art Biennale (Kampala, Uganda), Dak'Art 2012 - Biennale de l'Art Africain Contemporain, Gwangju Biennale (Korea), Biennale des Rencontres de Bamako (Mali), Lafayette Anticipations, Lyon Biennale, Centre Pompidou. 


Nominated for the Prix Marcel Duchamp 2021, Julien Creuzet will represent France at the 60th Venice Biennale in 2024.


Photo credit: Virginie Ribaut