

Born in 1960 in Saint Quentin, lives and works in Montreuil.

Béatrice Duport studied at the École nationale supérieure d'arts de Paris Cergy, the École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs and the Universität der Künste Berlin. 
She regularly teaches in art colleges but also at the CAMM in Bamako, Mali. 

Starting from the expanded field of sculpture and attached to the capture of reality, Béatrice Duport practices various mediums that she arranges in specific installations. She approaches space in its dimensions - architectural, geo-historical, cultural and social. Her pieces work on a link between spectators, subjects of an experience in the enclosed space of an exhibition, and external realities, near or far, past or present. They involve the perception of the spectator and solicit his active reception, seeking to construct what Jean Rouch called a "shared anthropology".