


Elie During is a former student of the ENS, agrégé in philosophy, and lecturer in philosophy at the University of Paris Nanterre. His research focuses on contemporary figures of simultaneity at the intersection of science, art and metaphysics.

Among his publications: False connections: the coexistence of images (Actes Sud, 2010), The Future does not exist (B42, 2014), several volumes of the critical edition of Bergson's works at the Presses Universitaires de France (Duration and Simultaneity : about Einstein's theory, 2009; The Memory of the present and false recognition, 2012), as well as co-edited books or journal issues, devoted to cinema, contemporary art or current research in metaphysics: Cinéphilosophie (Revue Critique, 2005), In actu: experimental art (Presses du réel, 2009), What is contemporary art thinking? (Revue Critique, 2010), Things in themselves: metaphysics of realism (PUF, 2018).


Photo credit: © Moritz Wehrmann


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