

Born in 1967 in Bourges, attached to Brittany. She lives and works in Paris and New Zealand (permanent resident since 1996).

Performer (dance, theater, voice), choreographer and director, she is the author of several NZ award winning pieces, tuning the text to the perception/integration of movement (body, stage furniture, lights, sound and virtual landscapes). Without genre bias, her experience also includes musical theater, opera, street theater, radio, film, television and concerts. 

Stimulated by research, director and visual artist, France regularly collaborates in performative projects -in situ- with painters, architects, poets, musicians, art galleries and museums. She is resolutely interested in moments where disciplines and techniques combine, respond to each other and, through play, reinvent their contours.

France has led several workshops on the 'Performative Body', since the creation of Via Ferrata in 2016. She currently teaches at the Ecole Supérieure de Théâtre d'Asnières ESCA.