


Graduated with honors from the Beaux-Arts de Paris in 2020, and instructor of the mosaic workshop for four years, Théo Krief will offer from July 2021 the course "Mosaics, the secret is lost" within the New Academy of Fine Arts Amateurs of Paris.

Théo Krief's work is rooted in the Mediterranean basin. Both painter and sculptor, it is in the ancient sites and more particularly in the aesthetics of the ruin, that he will seek his plastic universe. Through immersive installations, he modifies our relationship to space and time. The works come to dialogue with the architecture which welcomes them by diverting its original utility. It is the same for our perception of time, because using imperishable materials such as marble or brick, the work has no temporality of its own, it may have been designed yesterday as in the first millennium.

Considering the mosaic as an art halfway between painting and sculpture, Theo's goal is to propose to the amateurs a new way of perceiving the colors, the forms and the matter through the mosaic. Not to see the mosaic simply as a realization of stones or cut glasses but to work it like an artistic concept questioning the interstice, the unicity and the whole.