


A 2017 graduate of the Beaux-Arts de Paris and having obtained the post-graduate diploma of Artiste Intervenant en Milieu Scolaire (AIMS) in 2019, Tereza Lochmann teaches to 13 - 16 year olds, as part of the Nouvelle Académie des Amateurs.


Her practice revolves around printmaking, sculpture, wood relief, painting, collage and drawing. Drawing is the basis of her figurative approach and occupies a central place in her art.


Tereza Lochman has participated in several residencies, solo and group exhibitions in France and abroad. Among her latest exhibitions: Musée Picasso (Antibes, 2020), DOC (Paris, 2019), Bourse Révélations Emerige (Paris, 2018), Czech Cultural Center (Paris, 2018), Dukan Gallery (Leipzig, 2016).



Photo credit: Centre tchèque de Paris