

Studio professor

Born in 1975 in Saint-Martin d’Hères, Aurélie Pagès lives and works in Paris. Aurélie Pagès’ artistic practice invests various mediums: drawing, photography, writing, editing, printed image or text. Publishing allows her to confront these various approaches.

Printing processes account for a constant source of experiments that nourish her research. Printed material can be found notably in constant dialogue with drawing: face to face, back and forth, mutual borrowings. Gratuated from the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs in Paris, specializing in engraving, she has taught in the Beaux-Arts of Quimper and Angers. She has also multiplied experiments and collaborations in the field of publishing, with artists and art editing workshops: Jim Dine, Jose Maria Sicilia, Michael Woolworth Publications, L’Œil d’Or, La Barque… She regularly exhibits in France and abroad.