

Art philosophy

A graduate of the Ecole Normale Supérieure with an agrégation and a doctorate in aesthetics, Clélia Zernik is a professor of philosophy of art at the Beaux-Arts de Paris.

Her early research focused on the relationship between art and science, as developed by art psychologists and phenomenologists (cf. Perception-cinéma, Vrin, Paris, 2012; L'œil et l'objectif, Vrin, 2014). Her research is now focused on cinema (Akira Kurosawa's Seven Samurai, Yellow Now, Paris, 2013, L'attrait du café, Yellow Now, Paris, 2017, L'attrait du fantôme, Yellow Now, Paris, 2019) and contemporary Japanese art, thanks to study periods at Waseda University and Tokyo University. She works on the question of the doubling of images (Japanese surfaces and depths) and regularly contributes to journals such as Critique d'art and Art Press.


Photo credit: © Hugo Aymar


Depuis 2011 :
Philosophie de l’art
Depuis 2020 :
Chaire du Présent