
Zhong Mengual

Inhabiting the landscape: artistic practices of hospitality for living things

Estelle Zhong Mengual is an art historian. A graduate of the Ecole Normale Supérieure and holder of a doctorate from Sciences Po Paris, she teaches in the Master d'Expérimentation en Art et Politique (SPEAP), created by Bruno Latour at Sciences Po Paris.

Her research focuses on the relationship between art, past and present, and the living world. In particular, she is working on the development of an environmental history of art, proposing a new way of looking at the representation of the living world in art, using the tools of environmental humanities and the most contemporary natural sciences. She is the author of numerous books, including Apprendre à voir. Le point de vue du vivant (Actes Sud, 2021), which won the EcoloObs prize for the best essay on environmental thought in 2021, and Peindre au corps à corps. Flowers and Georgia O'Keeffe (Actes Sud, 2022).



Depuis 2019 :
Habiter le paysage : pratiques artistiques d’hospitalité pour le vivant