BorderLine addresses the question of edges and spillover without detour. The border appears to us as a non-place, as a line without thickness along which micro-events, accidents and incidents, wars and battles, passages and journeys swarm.


The exhibition explores, above all, the border in its primary dimension: that of the line we cross, the one that separates and unites. The line, the conceptual ostinato of this exhibition, is envisioned as a place of passage that invites the viewer to consider it as a strategic, structural, and therefore political space.


This exhibition envisions a new learning from the edges, it pays crucial attention to what William Kentridge, a South African artist, calls "peripheral thinking." Strangely, this peripheral thinking, too often dismissed at first glance, is at the center of the creative process envisioned by Kentridge. It is all there. These ideas, which on the edge of the subject seen and thought assail our mind, would be at the origin of creation. This exhibition intends to explore this process; to go along as many cracks as there are borders, to study the spark that remains at the periphery, precisely at the point of contact of these ideas.


The border, this entity with three faces-real, symbolic, imaginary-is thus above all a space-time from which creation would be born. For the artists, it is perhaps also a way of talking about Poush, this refuge invented during two years of pandemic in an office tower in Clichy transformed into artists' studios and standing at the edge of Paris. Two years of artistic emulation between Paris and Clichy, across that tar line that is the ring road.


BorderLine reminds us that seeing and thinking is always a negotiation between what appears on the surface and what one projects onto the thing seen or thought. This exhibition invites us to delve into and feel that out of the ordinary, out of place and sometimes out of time zone that is the border.


Exhibition curator: Yvannoé Kruger


With the artists of the Beaux-Arts de Paris

Apollinaria BROCHE graduated 2020, Elliott CAUSSE graduated 2017, Caroline CORBASSON graduated 2013, Deborah FISCHER graduated 2019, Pauline GUERRIER graduated 2014, Pierre PAUZE graduated 2016, Ugo SCHILDGE graduated 2014, Elodie SEGUIN graduated 2009, Alexandre SILBERSTEIN graduated 2015, Florian VIEL graduated 2014


Practical information:

From January 31 to April 30, 2022, Monday to Saturday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Pavillon Vendôme, 2, rue du Guichet, 92110 Clichy

More informations