We, Beaux-Arts de Paris, are united in calling for an immediate ceasefire in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, for the release of the hostages, the free entry of humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip, and respect for international law.

We express our condemnation of the terrorist attack and massacre perpetrated by Hamas on 7 October 2023. We denounce the massacres committed by the State of Israel against Palestinian civilians and express our support for the victims who are paying with their lives for this conflict that is turning the Gaza Strip into a hell.

The situation in Gaza in particular has reached an unprecedented level of violence that cannot leave us speechless. The number of victims is beyond comprehension, and there is no justification for responding to horror with horror. The complexity of the situation is such that the slightest word today becomes a weapon which, in malicious, ill-informed or unconscious hands, can provoke violence, discord and hatred even within our own walls.

We condemn in the strongest possible terms the upsurge in anti-Semitic acts and words since 7 October, and the offensive attitudes that we cannot ignore and absolutely reject.

As a public art college, it is our responsibility to guarantee the safety of each and every one of us, the plurality of voices and expressions in inventive and varied forms, within the strict framework of respect for the law and in no way allowing violence, hatred or discrimination to force our freedom.

Like so many others today, we wish to express our compassion, without distinction of sensibility, to those who are suffering from this conflict. Our School, like the rest of the world, is deeply moved and shares the pain of the victims.