The Ministry of Culture has selected two young artists from the Beaux-Arts de Paris, Alexey Chernikov (4th year student) and Mathias Bensimon (2022 graduate), to work for several months on the hoardings at the Bons-Enfants site, located at 182 rue Saint-Honoré, as part of the creation of a new reception area and a new company restaurant.


A first phase of work in 2021 had already seen five students and young graduates working for several months in the old cafeteria and upstairs.


The current project involves two very large-format outdoor works. Alexey Chernikov's work on the street side, "La compression du renouveau" (the compression of renewal), gives a highly poetic view of the building's openings and modenatures and the future new entrance to the Ministry, in a digitally reprocessed photographic composition. It is reproduced on canvas.  Mathias Bensimon's composition, "Jardin cosmique", inspired by the perception of light on living forms, will be painted in situ on the garden side, using natural pigments.